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Ember.JS is stupidly easy, and stupidly difficult

2013-08-27This post is over 2 years old and may now be out of date

(3 minute read)

NOTE: This post is a rant

I've recently begun working on an Ember.JS project for a client. A quick look at the homepage and the associated guides makes it sound really good. Computed and observable properties - if I change one property everything (upto and including UI elements) will automatically be updated. Cool. A view hierarchy that manages itself, including giving me the ability to target URLs to sub-views. Yes, yes, this sounds really good. Until you start coding.

Let's start with something simple. I want to programmatically trigger one of my routes when someone clicks this button. Ok, I'll just tell my controller to send the user to the route. But wait, how do I get a reference to it? Oh, I have to use:

// within my view code

Nope. Doesn't work. I get some error stating that the target property on the controller isn't set. What does that have to do with me wanting to load a URL? nothing. What does the Ember guide say about this? nothing. Ok, I know, I'll look through their source code (because as well know, a well-designed API requires you to look through the source code to figure things out) and figure out this hack:

// within my view code

Ok, now it's giving me an uncaught error: Uncaught Error: Nothing handled the event 'my route name'. Hmm, the route is definitely configured to a controller. And by the way, the Ember guys don't really want you to be using __container__ directly like that. No, supposedly there's some other magic way that they've decided you're meant to do this in their poorly documented, every-changing framework.

Ok, perhaps it's to do with managing controller dependencies. I say perhaps because I really don't know how I'm supposed to hook up the router in to my view class. I'm guessing that the root application controller has a reference to the router and that somehow if I can access the route application controller in my sub-controllers I'll be able to do what I want. So let's try out using the needs parameter to tell Ember to enable me to access my parent controller from the child. Oh but now I'm getting a cryptic JS error in the console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'has' of null ember.js?body=1:29206

The offending lines in ember.js:

if (!container.has(dependency)) {
  satisfied = false;
  Ember.assert(controller + " needs " + dependency + " but it does not exist", false);

It seems I also have to set a container attribute on the controller. But wait, is this something that Ember will set for me automatically or something I have to set manually? if manually then why isn't it mentioned in the docs? can someone please tell me what the relationship between the container and controller is? This is the sort of frustration I have with Ember whenever I need to do something that deviates ever so slightly from the norm.

And when I say 'poorly documented' I don't meant that there isn't documentation around the web on how you're supposed to use Ember. There is, but not really from the guys who actually make Ember. They're too hotshot to bother with that so we have StackOverflow and Evil Trout and others filling the gap. Seriously, for a framework that does tonnes of heavy-lifting and is strict about how things ought to be done, surely having more thorough documentation with edge cases covered is a must? Yes, I'm aware that their blog keeps us up-to-date on what's changing. Here's the thing. If you've been using Ember for over a year or so then you're able to read the blog and instantly know where things are currently at. But if you're knew to Ember, well then screw you.

They do have some tests though. Sounds good until you go through the source code and see lines like:

This class is used internally by Ember and Ember Data.
Please do not use it at this time. We plan to clean it up
and add many tests soon.

@class OrderedSet
@namespace Ember

At least the source code is well documented. They had the good sense to do that.

Between reading the source, googling, and debug logging I'm figuring out how things hook up. But I'm sure I (and many others) have wasted countless hours figuring things out with Ember - hours which could have been saved by having better and more thorough documentation.

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