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Get custom fonts working in React Native

2017-03-10This post is over 2 years old and may now be out of date

(2 minute read)

This post outlines how to get custom fonts working reliably in React Native (tested in 0.40).

Most crucially, our font files have to be named correctly. I recommend using the following format for file names:

  • OpenSans.ttf - Regular weight
  • OpenSans-Italic.ttf - Regular weight, Italic style
  • OpenSans-Light.ttf - Light weight
  • OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf - Light weight, Italic style
  • OpenSans-SemiBold.ttf - Semi-bold weight
  • OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic.ttf - Semi-bold weight, Italic style
  • OpenSans-Bold.ttf - Bold weight
  • OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf - Bold weight, Italic style
  • OpenSans-ExtraBold.ttf - Extra Bold weight
  • OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf - Extra Bold weight, Italic style

Add to platforms

Place the font files in a folder, e.g:


Then add the following to package.json:

"rnpm": {
  "assets": [

Then run:

$ react-native link

Now rebuild for iOS and Android and the font files will be included correctly.

Use in your styles

If we wish to use the OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic font for a given element this is how we would specify it in our styles:

// iOS
  fontFamily: 'OpenSans',
  fontWeight: '600',
  fontStyle: 'italic'

// Android
  fontFamily: 'OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic'

Thus, for iOS we need to map filenames to three styles. You may need to experiment to find the right mapping values for your custom font, but for Open Sans these are the values:

  • OpenSans - { fontWeight: 400, fontStyle: 'normal' }
  • OpenSans-Italic - { fontWeight: 400, fontStyle: 'italic' }
  • OpenSans-Light - { fontWeight: 300, fontStyle: 'normal' }
  • OpenSans-LightItalic - { fontWeight: 300, fontStyle: 'italic' }
  • OpenSans-SemiBold - { fontWeight: 600, fontStyle: 'normal' }
  • OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic - { fontWeight: 500, fontStyle: 'italic' }
  • OpenSans-Bold - { fontWeight: 700, fontStyle: 'normal' }
  • OpenSans-BoldItalic - { fontWeight: 700, fontStyle: 'italic' }
  • OpenSans-ExtraBold - { fontWeight: 800, fontStyle: 'normal' }
  • OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic - { fontWeight: 800, fontStyle: 'italic' }

We can embed this information into our code and provide a helper function - fontMaker() - to help with cross-platform style generation:

// we define available font weight and styles for each font here
const font = {
  OpenSans: {
    weights: {
      ExtraBold: '800',
      Bold: '700',
      SemiBold: '600',
      Light: '300',
      Normal: '400'
    styles: {
      Italic: 'italic'
  Verdana: ...,
  Tahoma: ...,

// generate styles for a font with given weight and style
export const fontMaker = (options = {}) => {
  let { weight, style, family } = Object.assign({
    weight: null,
    style: null,
    family: 'OpenSans'
  }, options)

  const { weights, styles } = font[family]

  if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
    weight = weights[weight] ? weight : ''
    style = styles[style] ? style : ''

    const suffix = weight + style

    return {
      fontFamily: family + (suffix.length ? `-${suffix}` : '')
  } else {
    weight = weights[weight] || weights.Normal
    style = styles[style] || 'normal'

    return {
      fontFamily: family,
      fontWeight: weight,
      fontStyle: style

Now we can easily use customs font using the fontMaker method:

fontMaker({ weight: 'SemiBold', style: 'Italic' })
// iOS
  fontFamily: 'OpenSans',
  fontWeight: '600',
  style: 'italic'
// Android
  fontFamily: 'OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic'

fontMaker({ weight: 'Light', family: 'Verdana' })
// iOS
  fontFamily: 'Verdana',
  fontWeight: '300',
  fontStyle: 'normal'
// Android
  fontFamily: 'Verdana-Light'

fontMaker({ family: 'Tahoma' })
// iOS
  fontFamily: 'Tahoma',
  fontWeight: 'normal',
  fontStyle: 'normal'
// Android
  fontFamily: 'Tahoma'

And that's it, all done 😃.

Massive thanks to https://blog.bam.tech/developper-news/add-a-custom-font-to-your-react-native-app for helping me get this working.

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