(1 minute read)
I'm using the vows "behaviour-driven development" framework to test the squel Javascript library. I have a Cakefile which acts as my build script and inside it there is function which runs all of my tests. I decided to hook it up to the excellent Travis CI automated build system to ensure continuous testing on commits. One of the problems I had was that cake script exited normally even when one of the vows tests broke.
I came up with this little snippet to ensure that cake exited abnormally (with error code 1) if any of the tests failed:
run_tests = (callback) ->
options = [
vows = spawn "#{binpath}/vows", options
output = ""
data_handler = (data) ->
output =+ data if data
stream_data_handler data
vows.stdout.on 'data', data_handler
vows.stderr.on 'data', data_handler
vows.on 'exit', (status) ->
if 0 isnt status or (output and -1 isnt output.indexOf("✗ Broken"))
return process.exit(1)
Essentially it looks for the — Broken string in the vows output - this string only gets output if one or more vows were 'broken'. Now Travis also picks up on test failures. There might be a more elegant way to do the above - if you know give me a shout. Otherwise I hope somebody else finds this useful.