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Squel.js - lightweight Javascript library for building SQL query strings in node.js or the browser

2011-12-23This post is over 2 years old and may now be out of date

(1 minute read)

I'd like to announce the immediate availability of Squel.js, a lightweight Javascript library for building SQL query strings. Squel exposes an object-oriented API for building SQL query strings in a server-side or browser-side Javascript environment. It's well tested using Vows and is available for forking on github.

Full documentation along with in-browser examples are available at squeljs.org. To get started with using Squel in your node.js program use npm install squel.

Enjoy :)

Update: I've created a Prezi for Squel which gives you an overview!

Update: I recently gave a talk on Squel at the London Node.js User Group meetup.

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